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Welcome to Poldit, the community for sharing knowledge through interactive livestreams and AI-enhanced Q&A. We wanted a more user-friendly way to find and share information, reduce misinformation, and a centralized hub for hosting and recording webinars and podcasts. Join the community, share your insights, and support our mission!

Lauren Raimondi


by samizmail25

What are some good AI tools to generate videos? I am a video editor and I want to start putting together edited videos where I can mix real footage with some prompt generated content to really make the final video cohesive and powerful. I can research clips online but with AI video tools out th

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There are several AI tools available that can help you generate videos and enhance your editing process. Some popular AI video tools that you can consider using include:

1. Runway ML: Runway ML offers various AI models that can be used for video editing, such as deep learning-based style transfer, object removal, and more.

2. Lumen5: Lumen5 is a video creation platform that uses AI to turn text content into engaging videos. It can help you create videos quickly by generating visuals based on your input.

3. Adobe Premiere Pro: Adobe Premiere Pro offers AI-powered features like Auto Reframe, which automatically adjusts the aspect ratio of your videos for different platforms, saving you time during the editing process.

4. Wibbitz: Wibbitz is an online video creation platform that uses AI to help you create professional-looking videos quickly. It offers features like automated video editing, text-to-video capabilities, and more.

5. Synthesia: Synthesia is a tool that uses AI to create personalized videos at scale. It can help you generate videos with AI-generated content, such as virtual presenters or voiceovers.

These tools can assist you in generating videos efficiently and creatively by leveraging AI technology. Be sure to explore each tool to see which one best fits your needs and workflow.



TechnologyArtificial IntelligenceGenerative AIVideo Editing

by swanythree23

Who are your top 3 Online Domino Players.


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I'm sorry, but I am not able to provide real-time information on specific online domino players as my responses are based on general knowledge and not real-time data. You may want to check online gaming platforms or forums to find information on top online domino players.



by ichandball

All Things Handball Episode 1 Poldit 7-17-2024


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by laurenraimondi

My other company is hiring a new digital marketing agency for SEO, PPC campaigns, email marketing, content creation, possibly social media, etc. We worked with our previous company for a very long time, and noticed everything just looked kind of stale and dated, and that reflected in some of the

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When hiring a new digital marketing agency for SEO, PPC campaigns, email marketing, content creation, and possibly social media, it's crucial to ask the right questions and thoroughly evaluate their capabilities to ensure they can deliver quality results. Here are some specific steps and questions you can consider:

1. **Portfolio and Case Studies**:

- Ask for examples of their previous work, case studies, and client testimonials.

- Inquire about specific results they have achieved for clients in terms of increased website traffic, lead generation, conversion rates, etc.

2. **Expertise and Experience**:

- Ask about the agency's experience in your industry or with similar clients.

- Inquire about the qualifications and expertise of their team members who will be working on your account.

3. **Strategic Approach**:

- Understand their strategic approach to digital marketing and how they tailor strategies to meet the unique needs of each client.

- Ask about their process for setting goals, tracking performance, and making data-driven decisions.

4. **Techniques and Tools**:

- Inquire about the specific SEO techniques, PPC strategies, email marketing tools, and content creation methods they use.

- Ask how they stay updated with the latest trends and algorithm changes in digital marketing.

5. **Communication and Reporting**:

- Discuss their communication process and how often you can expect updates and reports on campaign performance.

- Inquire about the tools they use for tracking and reporting on key metrics.

6. **Budget and ROI**:

- Clearly define your budget and ask how they plan to allocate it across different marketing channels.

- Discuss how they measure ROI and what metrics they use to demonstrate the effectiveness of their campaigns.

7. **Contracts and Terms**:

- Review their contract terms, including the duration of the agreement, termination clauses, and any hidden fees.

- Ask about their flexibility in adjusting strategies based on performance and changing business needs.

8. **Company Culture and Values**:

- Consider the agency's company culture, values, and how well they align with your own business values.

- Evaluate their responsiveness, transparency, and willingness to collaborate as a partner.

By asking these questions and considering these factors, you can better assess the capabilities and compatibility of digital marketing agencies to ensure you choose one that can deliver quality results and help your company achieve its marketing goals.



by rockstar16

How do you know if you have heat stroke or some mild version of it? And what do you do to get rid of it (aside from getting out of the heat and drinking water)? I felt really tired while outside and it was hard to breathe and it took a long time to go away even after I came back inside.


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The CDC has some great information about the varying levels of heat stroke/heat illness from mild to severe. Based on what you mentioned, heat exhaustion seems to be the most relevant, and here are those details:

What to look for

• Heavy sweating

• Cold, pale, and clammy skin

• Fast, weak pulse

• Nausea or vomiting

• Muscle cramps

• Tiredness or weakness

• Dizziness

• Headache

• Fainting (passing out)

What to do

• Move to a cool place

• Loosen your clothes

• Put cool, wet cloths on your body or take a cool bath

• Sip water

Get medical help right away if:

• You are throwing up

• Your symptoms get worse

• Your symptoms last longer than 1 hour

Here's the link: https://www.cdc.gov/extreme-heat/signs-symptoms/index.html



by laurenraimondi

Hey, I want to get a high quality webcam that isn't too expensive and is easy to set up and use (it's for my father in law, so needs to be parent-proof!). What are your recommendations?


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I recommend the Logitech C920 HD Pro Webcam. It is a high-quality webcam that offers excellent video and audio quality, is easy to set up, and user-friendly. It is also reasonably priced and widely available. Your father-in-law should find it easy to use, making it a great choice for him.



by samizmail25

My 4 year old is now a parrot. He copies everything others do and the worst part is, he has other friends or relatives who say bad things that he repeats. If I just tell him to not say those things he doesn’t listen.

How can I diffuse these situations so he’s not going around cursi

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3 Answers


If you tell him not to say it it will reinforce him wanting to say it. I would just ignore it, and then say other words.



by laurenraimondi

Saw these little guys at the beach. Are they a type of hermit crab? Snail? Something else? They had this little appendage that came out that either helped them navigate, walk, or eat (couldn't tell).


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Based on your description of a small creature with an appendage used for navigation, walking, or eating, it sounds like you may have encountered a type of marine snail known as a "whelk." Whelks are gastropod mollusks that are commonly found in coastal areas and have a distinctive muscular foot that they use for movement and feeding. They are often seen in intertidal zones and can vary in size and color depending on the species. If you have a photo or more details, I could help you identify the specific type of whelk you saw.



by Sunflower

Hi, do you have recommendations on noise cancelling headphones or something for children? mine are old and I don't remember the brand but they weren't very good with the fireworks last night so I'd like to get new ones.


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2 Answers


i had ordered the Snug Kids Ear Protection awhile back and was not very happy with them. Maybe not a recommendation but the opposite: https://a.co/d/0aIAR2hu



by rahmad12

What is the difference between NextJs and Sveltekit frameworks? They both seem to be used for server side rendering and use standard components for layout. Can someone provide the similarities, the differences as well as the pros and cons of each? I have a project I’m working on and want to se

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Next.js and SvelteKit are both popular frameworks used for building web applications with server-side rendering capabilities. Here are some similarities, differences, as well as pros and cons of each:

### Similarities:

1. Both Next.js and SvelteKit support server-side rendering, which helps improve SEO and initial page load times.

2. They both provide a component-based architecture for building web applications.

3. Both frameworks offer features like routing, code splitting, and server-side data fetching.

4. Next.js and SvelteKit have good developer communities and documentation support.

### Differences:

1. **Language**: Next.js is based on React and uses JavaScript/TypeScript, while SvelteKit is based on Svelte and uses its own language, Svelte.

2. **Bundle Size**: SvelteKit tends to produce smaller bundle sizes compared to Next.js, which can lead to faster load times.

3. **Build Time**: SvelteKit has faster build times due to its compile-time approach, while Next.js may have longer build times for larger projects.

4. **Developer Experience**: Next.js has a larger ecosystem and more mature tooling compared to SvelteKit, which is relatively newer.

### Pros and Cons:

#### Next.js:

- **Pros**:

- Strong ecosystem with a large community and plugins.

- Good support for TypeScript.

- Familiar React-based syntax for developers.

- **Cons**:

- Larger bundle sizes compared to SvelteKit.

- Slower build times for larger projects.

#### SvelteKit:

- **Pros**:

- Smaller bundle sizes for faster load times.

- Faster build times due to compile-time approach.

- Easy to learn and use for developers new to Svelte.

- **Cons**:

- Smaller ecosystem and fewer plugins compared to Next.js.

- Limited TypeScript support compared to Next.js.

### Conclusion:

- If you prefer React and a mature ecosystem with good TypeScript support, Next.js might be a better choice.

- If you prioritize smaller bundle sizes, faster build times, and are open to learning a new language (Svelte), SvelteKit could be a good fit.

Ultimately, the choice between Next.js and SvelteKit depends on your project requirements, familiarity with the frameworks, and preferences in terms of performance and developer experience.